The data presented in this website originate from the diploma thesis (see contact).

Soft-bottom macrofauna (5-30m) of Kongsfjorden (Svalbard) were sampled in June-August 2003. Most organisms presented in this site were quantitatively investigated by SCUBA-diver operated airlift system (0.2m-2). During this study 63 taxa were found, 30 of which had not previously been reported in Kongsfjorden and seven in Svalbard. Data representing abundance, biomass, zoogeography, trophic structure and sampling locality (with depth details) are presented for most of the organisms.

Qualitative soft-bottom macrofauna samples were conducted in four glacial fjords, Billefjord, Magdalenefjord, Raudfjord and Wijdefjord (Svalbard) in September 2003. Grab samples (Van Veen, 0.1m-2) were collected in the following different water masses: Atlantic water, Arctic water and in cold water of the deep fjord basins.

The majority of the photographs were taken of living individuals using a binocular microscope (amplification 6.3x-40x) and digital camera. Also some fixed animals (ethanol 75%) were photographed.

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Aceroides latipes Frigidoalvania sp. Anonyx nugax Apistobranchus tullbergi Arrhis phyllonyx Astarte sulcata Brada villosa Centromedon pumilus Chaetoderma nitidilum Chaetozone setosa